2025 NYSFOLA Annual Conference Call For Presentations

Back to the Future: Old Lake Issues and New Solutions
May 2-3, 2025
Fort William Henry Hotell and Conference Center, Lake George, NY

We invite the submission of proposals for presentations on a wide range of lake related topics that support our conference theme: “Back to the Future: Old Lake Issues and New Solutions”.  Of particular interest are those that speak to both the social and ecological dimensions of lake management. 

Presentation slots will be approximately 30 minutes in length, ~20 minutes for the presentation and the remainder for questions. 

Tell us Your Lake Story! – We would like to have some sessions available for our member lake associations to present the great activities they are engaged in.  If you’re interested in telling us what’s happening at your lake, please submit an abstract!

Student Poster submissions will be accepted on a wide range of lake related topics.  However, space is limited and will be allotted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Accepted poster submission authors will be given an opportunity to present and discuss their work with conference attendees as they browse the poster area.  

Suggested Topic Areas:

Lake Association Management Stories, Public Education, Lake Community Partnerships with Government/Land Trusts etc, Lake Management Planning and Strategies, Watershed Protection and Restoration, Lakeshore Design/Restoration, Emerging Issues, Lake Monitoring Tools and Techniques, Aquatic Plants, Fisheries, Dam Safety, Harmful Algal Blooms, Conflicting Lake Uses, Non-Profit Management & more!

Proposal Deadline:  February 14th at 5:00PM (or earlier if all slots have been filled.)

Follow this link for more information and to submit a proposal: PRESENTATION

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