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Clean, Drain, Dry!
Download this Clean, Drain, Dry sign from the NYS Office of Parks and Recreation and share with your lake association members.
A New York Boater’s Guide to Cleaning, Drying, and Disinfecting Boating Equipment:
New York Sea Grant Extension and the Cornell University Cooperative Extension Invasive Species Program have published a New York State Watercraft Inspection Steward Program Handbook. The 81-page, illustrated guide is the standardized model for starting new watercraft inspection programs and includes a Watercraft Inspection Steward Training and Field Guide section:
New York Sea Grant Extension and the Cornell University Cooperative Extension Invasive Species Program have published a New York State Watercraft Inspection Steward Program Handbook. The 81-page, illustrated guide is the standardized model for starting new watercraft inspection programs and includes a Watercraft Inspection Steward Training and Field Guide section:

Help Protect Our Lake

This video was created by the Lake George Association Published on Jan 11, 2013 Aquatic invasive species are non-native plants and animals that threaten native plants, wildlife, and their habitat. They also affect humans by degrading boating and fishing areas and reducing lake shore property values and tourism. Once established, eradication is almost impossible. You can help prevent the introduction of new invasive species into Lake George and other local waterways by making sure you clean, drain, and dry all boating, fishing, and other recreational equipment before you use it in a body of water. For more information about AIS spread prevention efforts to protect our Lake and detailed decontamination procedures,visit