The book is available in hardcover or paperback from NYSFOLA. You can order online now or contact us at fola@nysfola.org to pay by check with a mail in order form. The expanded guide to New York State lake and watershed management, 2nd edition. Lake associations and citizens play a vital role in protecting and restoring our lakes and waterways. This book is an introduction to understanding and managing lakes. Lakes and their watersheds are natural treasures for us to use and protect. Together these rich resources supply abundant water to support thriving communities, provide recreational opportunities, and spur economic growth in an area. For many communities, the tax base and economy are dependent on having clean water. Even when a lake is healthy, its users cannot afford to wait for a disaster before acting to keep it healthy and its water clean for current and future generations. This publication offers guidance for lakeshore residents, local officials, and agencies interested in water resources by providing:
- An introduction to lake ecology
- Descriptions of lake restoration and watershed management techniques
- A special section about relevant New York State laws and regulations
- Guidance for preparing a watershed management plan
Diet for a Small Lake was prepared by the New York State Federation of Lake Associations, Inc (NYSFOLA) in collaboration with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and is the culmination of several years of collaboration on lake management issues. It replaces and expands the information presented in the first edition.
An abridged table of contents:
Introduction: Designing a health plan for a lake
- Lake Ecology: Getting your feet wet
- From Montauk to Erie: 7850 New York State Lakes
- Lake Problems: Acid Rain to Zebra Mussels
- Problem Diagnosis: Seeing beyond the symptoms
- Fisheries Management: Matching expections to reality
- Aquatic Plants: Not just weeds
- Algae and other undesirables
- User Conflicts: Learning to share
- Watershed Management: The big picture
- Legal Framework
- Management Plan Development: Putting the pieces together
- Implementation & Evaluation: Don’t stop now