hydrilla from Nice Girl Films on Vimeo.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Hydrilla Identification Card
Hydrilla Identification Tip Sheets – CLICK HERE
Hydrilla Hunt Report Form – CLICK HERE
Hydrilla Photos
Photographs that may aid in the discovery and identification of hydrilla are by Jon Reis for NYSFOLA. Photos may be reprinted or reproduced for further distribution with acknowledgement to the New York State Federation of Lake Associations and Jon Reis, photographer.
Hydrilla – entire plant

Hydrilla – serrated edges up close

Hydrilla – upper portion of plant

Hydrilla’s tubers are distinct to this plant

Other plants that might be mistaken for hydrilla
Brazilian Elodea – also an invasive aquatic plant, report this too! Common elodea is native.

Naiads can also be confused with Hydrilla